First booboo of the trip

Less than 24 since initial take off and we have our first booboo of the trip :-/  “those of us prone to accidents” = Michael Menard. Good thing he packed some bandaids in anticipation! What was the weapon/cause of injury? Unprotected razor in his Baggie. Watch out for those guys.

Duty Free Gone Wrong

Watched this poor guy drop his duty free bag off the top of his roll away. Smells like Baileys Irish Cream everywhere. 

Think he managed to salvage the cigarettes, which btw have some hardcore warning labels. 

Taipei airport

Place has been great so far. 

This is what our gate looks like (Katherine cameo)

Just down a little ways is the hello kitty themed breast feeding room

Right next to the ‘relaxing zone.’

Little panoramic courtesy of Katherine’s updated iOS – unlike those of us living a bit in the past. 

One more door down was a basic cafe where we decide to get some snacks: 

Solid breakfast #2, and at a decent price. 
Big cabbage bun 50
Mini pork bun 20
Chicken bread 50
Beer 80 
Those prices are in new Taiwan dollars – right now they’re about 30 to 1 to us dollars so I’ll let you do the math. Either way, cheap and good breakfast food. 

Airplane Breakfast

Since we couldn’t really understand the stewardess as she asked us what we wanted out of a deep sleep – we went with the safe ‘1 of each.’
Part 1, western style, part 2 – rice porridge with fish floss.  

Fish floss seems to be just some sweetish fish flakes – we piled it in the porridge. 

Winner? Rice porridge for sure. 

En route – first airline meal of the trip

Feeling surprisingly good a few hours into the 13 hour flight post 6 hour flight.  They served us some food – that while not the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten was still pretty damn good. Plus who doesn’t love a bunch of mini Tupperware containers?

And a mini glass of white wine.

We both opted for pork and rice, mainly because we weren’t interested in the potatoes that came with the chicken.

Here is what the pork looks like unwrapped:

Also loving the fake butter spread.

Follow up on breakfast to come. 


So this Is what we’re working with, 20 days door to door:
Snorkel gear 
7 pairs boxers
3 t-shirts
2 pairs shorts
1 bathing suit
1 pair athletic shorts 
7 pairs of socks 
1 hat (last minute addition)
Scuba diving license 
2 filter water bottles 
Beach Sandals
Boat shoes 

All pretty self explanatory. Plackers – never leave home without them. Bottle of Bacardi from our Phl to Vegas trip last weekend. Reasonable story behind it to be visited later (maybe.) I actually only ended up packing one of the 5 hours which still might be one too many. 

Note the band aids for those of us prone to minor accidents. 

Some paperwork

Few plane tickets, copies of the passport and a word doc manifesto developed while prepping for the trip (feel free to ask for a copy but note it’s lengthy. )

I had a pretty real debate about bringing jeans and then decided against it. Opting for a pair of slacks I won’t mind leaving behind and which will also be lighter to carry around when not wearing them. They’re an old pair, a little beat up – and won’t feel bad about leaving them behind later if need be. 
I’m not super excited that this is more shoes than I’ve ever taken anywhere except when moving. I’ll keep telling myself I had no choice. 
I’m wearing the black shoes, some pants, and a button up. 
Ready to go:

Of course Katherine made it, reasonably on time and all packed up too!

We’re off!
Special thanks to:
Liz Logan for the water bottle rec.
Maxon and Bauer for letting us use their Killamanjaro packs.

<12 hours to departure

Put up a 12 on the spreadsheet last night so haven’t had a chance to pack yet. Same number of hours now until departure. Fette Sau was delicious and Sugar House fun, so of course no regrets!

Threw in a load of dirty laundry from Vegas at 730am, hopefully get home in time to dry it. Minimalist packing still requires underwear. 
KH checked us in last night so we got that going for us.


Less than 30 hours until departure and still haven’t packed. Thinking minimalist is the way to go anyway. Fette Sau tonight, so I’ll get around to it tomorrow hopefully.